
Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Going To 'Kapa Haka Regionals 2020'

Kia ora bloggers, On Sunday my nan, aunty, uncle, three cousins and I travelled to Whangarei to watch the Kapa Haka regionals 2020, and see my cousin and his roopu (group) Te Rau Pou Manawa o Kawakawa perform. If you don’t know who ‘Te Rau Pou Manawa o Kawakawa’ is, they are a school from Kawakawa, Te Tai Tokerau who has a Kapa Haka group that travels and goes to Kapa Haka competitions. My favourite song and haka I really enjoyed was, I think their third song and haka because I was really interested (sorry I don’t know that name of the song and haka). Something that I also really liked was, their first song they performed started off calm and then they went hard out. There is nothing I didn’t enjoy about going to the Kapa Haka regionals because I enjoyed everything. My favourite part about going to the regionals was, I got to spend time with my family and see my cousin do his best because he worked hard and earned his spot in the roopu. I remember when I yelled out ‘go JJ and everyone looked at me, but I just laughed because Te Rau Pou Manawa o Kawa Roopu were so loud they didn’t even hear me, but my cousin and the roopu knew that I wanted him and them to do great. Overall Te Rau Pou Manawa o Kawakawa came third in the Kapa Haka regionals and I think they did amazing and they earnt it!. Kawakawa now have to make a new bracket for the nationals which I am really excited for! What is your favourite kapa haka waiata (song)? Here is a video clip of Te Rau Pou Manawa o Kawakawa performing:


Ka Kite!


Thursday, 19 November 2020

100 Word Story - Ghostly Shadow

In Te Ngahere some of us have been doing some 100 word story's. This is my fourth 100 word story I have wrote. We picked an appropriate picture and started writing about it. We made sure we kept the mood and atmosphere all throughout the story. I decided to pick a picture from Pobble. If you want, can you please comment how you liked my 100 word story. My 100 word story is called 'The Ghostly Shadow'.

Here is my 100 word story: Hope you like it!

One second you see it, the next second you don’t. She knew she had to turn around because something wasn’t right. But curiosity got the best of her. The fog she was slowly walking through started to feel thicker and thicker. The trees, dead branches and crackling leaves didn’t make one sound. Not even a sway of wind. She started to feel anxious and afraid. Feeling something crawl up her spine, she froze. She didn’t know what to do, so she just started running and running and running rapidly. Looking over her shoulder she saw some kind of ghostly shadow…

Hope you like it!

Bye Bye!

100 Word Story - It Must Be Magic...

In Te Ngahere some of us have been doing some 100 word story's. This is my third 100 word story I have wrote. We picked an appropriate picture and started writing about it. We made sure we kept the mood and atmosphere all throughout the story. I decided to pick a picture from Pobble. If you want, can you please comment how you liked my 100 word story. My 100 word story is called 'It Must Be Magic'.

Here is my 100 word story: Hope you like it!

Sabre felt the cold reaching up her spine. She thought to herself “should I turn around?”. Sabre did a 180 degree turn and something hit her right in the forehead. A few minutes later she awoke feeling very dizzy. She looked over her shoulder with the pain starting to kick in. Sabre picks up the rock feeling confident. She started to get a tingle down her back. Somehow Sabre heard a voice come out of the rock saying “magic is not a myth Sabre”. She froze like the ice in the freezer. She said to herself, “it must be magic”...

Hope you like it!
Bye Bye!

Thursday, 12 November 2020

100 Word Story - On Repeat 2

 In Te Ngahere some of us have been doing some 100 word story's. This is my second 100 word story I have wrote. We picked an appropriate picture and started writing about it. We made sure we kept the mood and atmosphere all throughout the story. I decided to pick a picture from Pobble. If you want, can you please comment how you liked my 100 word story. My 100 word story is called 'On Repeat 2'.

Here is my 100 word story: Hope you like it!


On Repeat 2

The past few months he had been having the same dream. In his dream he would walk around with an umbrella in hand. He would keep walking in a circle, again and again and again until he woke. It was like he was in an enormous heavyweight hamster wheel filled with dead trees. When he awoke each morning, startled by the feeling of being trapped that he experienced night after night. But one morning when he awoke, he asked himself ‘why do I keep having the same dream every night?’. He thought to himself and said ‘something has to change’...

Ka Kite!

Wednesday, 11 November 2020

100 Word Story - The Tunnel

In Te Ngahere some of us have been doing some 100 word story's. This is my first 100 word story I have wrote. We picked an appropriate picture and started writing about it. We made sure we kept the mood and atmosphere all throughout the story. I decided to pick a picture from Pobble. If you want, can you please comment how you liked my 100 word story. My 100 word story is called 
'The Tunnel'.
Here is my 100 word story: Hope you like it!


The Tunnel

She had been tracking the lost deer for around just over an hour. She had followed the trail of broken twigs and leaves the deer had nibbled on. Creeping slowly and quietly, not even making the slightest sound, she remained undetected. She stumbled across the mysterious circles in a clearing in the forest. The deer enters the first mysterious circle fiercely and vanishes, completely vanishes. Not even the leaf the deer was nibbling on was left. She stopped with shock and fascination, her face looked numb and she looked ice-cold. Feeling anxious, she steps into the mysterious circle and then...

Ka Kite!

Thursday, 5 November 2020

Te Reo Maori

In Te Ngahere we have been doing some Te Reo Maori. For Te Reo Maori we wrote scripts and did a screencastify in for a weather report in Maori. In my group Jade, Mikaila and I. We had to be able to pronounce the words in Te Reo with the DLO that we made after. When we thought we could say the script in Maori, we had to say it in front of the teacher. If the teacher said we pronounced it correctly we could make a slide with the script on it and little characters of us, then start screencastifying. I really enjoyed this Te Reo Maori because I learnt more Maori words and sentences. 
What language/s do you speak? 
Ka Kite! 


The Pool-Tastic Trip

Kia ora, when I was on holiday one of the things I did was go to the pools with my sister and friends. At the pools, there was a yellow slide, blue wiggly slide and black wiggly slide where you couldn’t see anything. I remember when my sister, friends went in the black slide, we bumped  into each other very hard but we laughed. My favourite slide would be the wiggly black slide. My sister, my friends and I went into the big pool, then the three slides, then the warm pool so we would be warm when we leave the pools. I really enjoyed going to the pools because I got to spend time with my sister and friends. I enjoyed every bit of it and would love to do it again. My sister, my friends and dad went the second time and it was a lot of fun. Do you prefer swimming at the beach or pools?

Ka Kite!

Thursday, 15 October 2020

A World Of A-Maze-Ment

On Sunday, the first week of school holidays my sister, two cousins, two aunties and I went to this place called Odyssey. Odyssey is an a-maze-ing adventure where while trying to find your way out of a maze you will experience darker challenging spaces, quirky physical obstacles and challenges, illusions, lighting effects, scents, sound effects and strange sensations. The incredible journey through Odyssey takes around 20 - 30 minutes however there is no time limit to your adventure. I had a lot of fun with my family going to Odyssey and there is nothing I didn’t enjoy. My favourite sensory maze was mirror maze because of the amazing lighting effects and reflections that make you feel like your lost in a different dimension. When my family and I were in that sensory maze, everytime the lights switched on and off we would move and make a different pose, which made it look like we were ghosts. P.S I recommend going to Odyssey because it is a-maze-ing.

Here are some pictures of Odyssey:


Parakai Springs

 On Friday, the last week of school holidays my two cousins, aunty and I went to this place called Parakai Springs. Parakai Springs has a warm/heated pool, a hot pool, two slides, one big slide and a smaller slide. They also have a shop where they sell milkshakes, ice-cream, drinks, etc. My favourite part of Parakai Springs is the big slide because it was really fun. We had to walk up to the slide which was breathtaking, but it was worth it because the slide was amazing and fun. I met a lot of new friends which was really nice. I recommend going to Parakai Springs.

This is a photo of Parakai Springs:


Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Calender Art!

Last week in Te Ngahere we started doing some calendar art called mahi toi. Mahi Toi is a piece of art. My focus was, to try keep the pencil on the paper for as long as I can drawing continuous lines. I learnt that it is easier to draw a circle with your shoulder instead of your wrist because your wrist can’t twist right around unlike your shoulder, you can just guide it in a circle perfectly. I haven’t finished my artwork yet, but I can show you what it is soon going to look like. 
Do you like art? Here is a picture of what my art is going to look like:
Ka Kite! 

Monday, 21 September 2020

Movie Accomplished!

In Te Ngahere we have been filming three minute movies. A few weeks ago I posted a blog post about starting to make our movie and different type of camera shots. Something I enjoyed while filming my movie was spending time with my friends because we were in a group together. Something I could do better next time is try to have more emotion when I am acting. I would love to make the tok tik-ers 2 next time. Do you like watching movies? If you want to watch our movie here it is: I hope you enjoy our movie. Please feel free to comment if you enjoyed our movie!
Ka Kite! 


Thursday, 17 September 2020

Learn What The Circumference & Diameter Of A Circle Is!

In Te Ngahere we have been doing a different type of math. This weeks math was about measurement. The group that I was in were finding the circumference and diameter of a circular object in Te Ngahere. I learnt that the circumference of a circle is the length around the outside. I also learnt that the diameter is, from one side of a circle to the opposite side going through the center of the circle. The thing I found hard was measuring the exact length of the circumference and diameter of the circular object. Next time my group and I will collaborate better and try to measure the exact length. Did you know what the circumference and diameter of a circle is before seeing my post? Here is a youtube video about parts of a circle! Here is a youtube video that explain parts of a circle: Hope you learn something!
Ka Kite!

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Being Someone Who Loves Blogging

 At the start of the year in Te Ngahere we were only doing one comment and one post but now we are getting better so we are doing double comments and post. Blogging is where we either comment on someone else's blog post that shows us what they were learning or make our own blog posts so someone can comment it. This weeks focus is to get at least two blog comments green this week. I like blogging because it is fun, it helps me with my writing and it is another way of telling others what I am learning. Next week I am going to try to not add too much writing but still add detail. Do you like writing blog posts or comments?

Ka Kite!

Monday, 7 September 2020

Learn What Fraction Frenzy Is With Me!

This week In Te Ngahere we have been doing some maths called fraction frenzy. Fraction frenzy is when we find the equivalent number of a fraction. Equivalent means “the same as”. We had to cut out pieces of paper that had written fractions on them and glue it on paper so we can sort out the equivalent fractions. For example: the fractions 10/10 and 5/5 are both whole numbers because the top and bottom numbers are the same number. We were allowed to work in a group of 2 or 3. My friends Breeze, Jade and I worked together in a group. I really enjoyed this maths because it was challenging for me. The thing I found hard was finding the equivalent fraction for the higher numbers, that is why we found the equivalent fractions for the lower numbers first. We were doing this so we can recognise an equivalent fraction. I hope we do this again in the future because I really enjoyed it and hopefully I will be better at it. Did you know how to find an equivalent fraction before you saw my post? 
Here is my DLO: Hope you learn something!



Tuesday, 1 September 2020

The Do’s And Don'ts Of Respecting Your Chromebook!

The last few weeks our class Te Ngahere have been re-learning the Kawa of Care. Kawa of care is to help you look after your chromebook so it will last. I learnt that the kawa of care is really important because, depending on how your chromebook breaks you will either get insurance for it or you will not. If you drop your chromebook in a case holding it with two hands and you trip over on accident you will get insurance for it because you were following the kawa of care. If you drop your chromebook without a case holding it with one hand than you won’t get insurance because it was your fault for not following the kawa of care. So remember to always follow the kawa of care! Here is my DLO: Hope you like it!


Wednesday, 26 August 2020

3, 2, 1 Blast Off!

The past few weeks my class Te Ngahere have been doing something called Wonder Project. Wonder Project is when scientists come to your school and teach us about rockets, talk about where they work, their interests and what they do for a living. Some of us have been making our own rockets out of plastic 1.5 litre bottles for the body of the rocket and cardboard or an  ice-cream container for the wings. I really enjoy Troy and Gustavo coming in and teaching us about rockets because rockets are one of the things I am interested in. Since Troy and Gustavo have been coming in and teaching us about rockets I have learnt that the thrust is pushing the rocket up, the weight is so it is stable and won’t flip over and the drag is so it comes back down to earth on the ground. The only thing I found hard to do was modifying our rocket and figuring out what my group and I need to fix up so the rocket is perfect. I think next time I will focus more on finishing the rocket rather than how it looks. I hope we do this again because I enjoy it so much! What do you find interesting about rockets? Here is my Rocket!

Ka Kite!

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Learn Some Maori Words and Sentences With Me!

In Te Ngahere we have been doing some Te Reo Maori. For Te Reo Maori we had to write a script in maori about children going to a sports field and learning new sports because we were learning new words and sentences in maori. To make our DLO we had to make sure our script was green on the hand in sheet. When that was done we had to screencastify ourselves saying the maori words because we were learning how to speak more maori. We also had to make sure we could read and say the Maori words and sentences. I like that we did Te Reo Maori because I learnt more maori words and how to speak and pronounce them correctly. Do you know any words or sentences in Maori?


Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Mosaic Art

In Te Ngahere we have been doing a type of art called “Mosaic Art”. Mosaic Art is when you make any kind of shapes that fits closely together but not too close to the point where it touches. We do that because if we made the shapes far apart or too close together it would look wrong and wouldn’t have the Mosaic art effect. First, we made a google drawing to create our Mosaic art on. Second, we created any shapes with polyline. Thirdly, we coloured in our shapes we made. When we were doing art in lockdown I didn’t really know what to do and I did the shapes too close together. Now that I know how to do Mosaic art I really enjoyed it and I think it turned out really good. Here is my Mosaic artwork: Hope you like it.

Ka Kite!


Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Movie Making

This week in Te Ngahere we have started making our own short films. We had to make our films three minutes long. Our film could be any types of films like action, comedy, educational, sport, adverts, music, game shows, news and weather, children's t.v, puppetry, drama and documentary. We were allowed to make our film about anything that was appropriate. My group and I feel really confident about our film this year. I like that we get to make our own films because I enjoy acting, especially because I am doing it with my friends. I think my friends and I are going to enjoy everything about making our own film and there is going to be nothing we don’t enjoy. The steps we have done so far are film type, script, location, props and sounds. Our next steps are content, titles and credits. Have you made your own film before?

Ka kite!