
Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Calender Art!

Last week in Te Ngahere we started doing some calendar art called mahi toi. Mahi Toi is a piece of art. My focus was, to try keep the pencil on the paper for as long as I can drawing continuous lines. I learnt that it is easier to draw a circle with your shoulder instead of your wrist because your wrist can’t twist right around unlike your shoulder, you can just guide it in a circle perfectly. I haven’t finished my artwork yet, but I can show you what it is soon going to look like. 
Do you like art? Here is a picture of what my art is going to look like:
Ka Kite! 

Monday, 21 September 2020

Movie Accomplished!

In Te Ngahere we have been filming three minute movies. A few weeks ago I posted a blog post about starting to make our movie and different type of camera shots. Something I enjoyed while filming my movie was spending time with my friends because we were in a group together. Something I could do better next time is try to have more emotion when I am acting. I would love to make the tok tik-ers 2 next time. Do you like watching movies? If you want to watch our movie here it is: I hope you enjoy our movie. Please feel free to comment if you enjoyed our movie!
Ka Kite! 


Thursday, 17 September 2020

Learn What The Circumference & Diameter Of A Circle Is!

In Te Ngahere we have been doing a different type of math. This weeks math was about measurement. The group that I was in were finding the circumference and diameter of a circular object in Te Ngahere. I learnt that the circumference of a circle is the length around the outside. I also learnt that the diameter is, from one side of a circle to the opposite side going through the center of the circle. The thing I found hard was measuring the exact length of the circumference and diameter of the circular object. Next time my group and I will collaborate better and try to measure the exact length. Did you know what the circumference and diameter of a circle is before seeing my post? Here is a youtube video about parts of a circle! Here is a youtube video that explain parts of a circle: Hope you learn something!
Ka Kite!

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Being Someone Who Loves Blogging

 At the start of the year in Te Ngahere we were only doing one comment and one post but now we are getting better so we are doing double comments and post. Blogging is where we either comment on someone else's blog post that shows us what they were learning or make our own blog posts so someone can comment it. This weeks focus is to get at least two blog comments green this week. I like blogging because it is fun, it helps me with my writing and it is another way of telling others what I am learning. Next week I am going to try to not add too much writing but still add detail. Do you like writing blog posts or comments?

Ka Kite!

Monday, 7 September 2020

Learn What Fraction Frenzy Is With Me!

This week In Te Ngahere we have been doing some maths called fraction frenzy. Fraction frenzy is when we find the equivalent number of a fraction. Equivalent means “the same as”. We had to cut out pieces of paper that had written fractions on them and glue it on paper so we can sort out the equivalent fractions. For example: the fractions 10/10 and 5/5 are both whole numbers because the top and bottom numbers are the same number. We were allowed to work in a group of 2 or 3. My friends Breeze, Jade and I worked together in a group. I really enjoyed this maths because it was challenging for me. The thing I found hard was finding the equivalent fraction for the higher numbers, that is why we found the equivalent fractions for the lower numbers first. We were doing this so we can recognise an equivalent fraction. I hope we do this again in the future because I really enjoyed it and hopefully I will be better at it. Did you know how to find an equivalent fraction before you saw my post? 
Here is my DLO: Hope you learn something!



Tuesday, 1 September 2020

The Do’s And Don'ts Of Respecting Your Chromebook!

The last few weeks our class Te Ngahere have been re-learning the Kawa of Care. Kawa of care is to help you look after your chromebook so it will last. I learnt that the kawa of care is really important because, depending on how your chromebook breaks you will either get insurance for it or you will not. If you drop your chromebook in a case holding it with two hands and you trip over on accident you will get insurance for it because you were following the kawa of care. If you drop your chromebook without a case holding it with one hand than you won’t get insurance because it was your fault for not following the kawa of care. So remember to always follow the kawa of care! Here is my DLO: Hope you like it!
